How Did This Happen?

On my quest to reach 40 countries by 4o years old, Glenn and I are heading to Scandinavia for 3 weeks in March.  We will be visiting Norway, Sweden and Copenhagen (see map of our travels below). In true Glenn and Erika fashion, we are shunning the big hotel chains located in the predictable tourist hot spots and opting for a mix of Airbnb and boutique hotels. We are also doing a mix of train, plane and car to travel between cities. We have always found this mode of travel a better way to see the “real” side of a country.

Why Scandinavia? The story goes like this. Erika receives an email from Qatar airways offering super cheap flights to Europe. Erika calls Glenn immediately and says “I just got an email from Qatar about cheap flights, you want to see the Northern Lights right? And it’s your 40th in March, wanna go for your birthday?”. Glenn replies: “Sounds good, let me check with work”. Fast forward 24 hours and we have booked the flights.

We look forward to all the adventures that meet us on the other side of the world: Scandinavian architecture, husky rides, snow hikes, (hopefully) the Northern Lights, Vikings, Sami culture, salmon & Swedish meatballs and shopping, to name a few.


The Heart of a Dreamer

A young girl with a pensive nature,
ponders trips to far away places.
And listens for whispers on the wind,
matching words with customs and faces.

She sits upon the beach at twilight,
waiting for the moon to gild the sea.
And as dark shadows envelope her,
her imagination is set free.

She dreams of using cunning and stealth,
to escape from reality’s grip.
And so longs to bid her home adieu,
her imagination plans the trip.

A girl with the heart of a dreamer,
hitches a ride on each shooting star.
And if one misses home, one needs but
snap their heals three times, and there you are.

Copyright © 2016 Emile Pinet